Yesterday was
mamasita's 54
th Birthday. She said she liked being 45 more than being 54. What a nutter. The whole family (minus Pittsburgh Sister Vicky) was there. We had pulled pork
samiches via mom's request,
Kenner's home-made-with-pride Baked Beans that were scraped clean by the consumers, we had fruit kabobs assembled by the lovely Ms. Andi, veggies galore provided by
Teener Weiner, and cupcakes from The Cocoa Bean brought by the
Schmarcums. Oh. My. Gosh. Have you had those
cuppy cakes before? They were
incredible. They got a collage of different flavors: Vanilla Vanilla Madagascar, Better than Whatever, Caramel Apple, Raspberry Lemon, Brownie
Explosion, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip, Red Velvet Mousse, Party in My Mouth, on and on. There were probably 20 cupcakes. We ended up cutting a bunch of them in half and I think every body got a decent helping of what they wanted.

I probably had more than a decent helping than some other people. In my defense, I la-hove
cuppy cakes and I truly believe in
committing one's self to the things they love.
My dad's brother Craig was there
vi sting from Texas. He brought his youngest Angela. He calls her "Baby Girl."

But you see... Angela is his Baby Girl-

Andi is my dad's Baby Girl-

Josslynn is Krissy's Baby Girl. We had three Baby Girls. Baby Girls have a certain cuteness about them. I'm Middle Girl. Not the same cute ring huh?

Craig also brought his wife Rosa. She is from Chile. He met and baptized her when he served his mission there. Years later, after Craig had had his family and worked and all that... things didn't work out with him and Susan. He went back to Chile, found and married Rosa. She was really a sweet heart.

Can't hardly speak two words of English but you can just feel her happiness and warmth. I wonder if people can feel that in me.... something to work towards.

We mostly sat around on the deck and laughed. About old boyfriends, schoolmates, bands, pool stunts, etc. Julie put her kabob sticks in her hair in order to look like a Muppet. We did do a round of
Rojo won. Verde lost.

The boys made a flew their airplanes mom got them from the Dollar Store.

They flew them into the neighbors yard and instead of sending the boys through the teeny tiny itty bitty gap in the fence, my Dad said he'd get them for the boys. It was a tight squeeze. And very funny.

My mom had a Happy Birthday. She told me this morning. I know you think you have the best mom. And maybe she is for you. But not for me. My mom is my best mom. No doubt about it.