Ken, the poor bugger, had meetings from the time we got there (noon Friday) to noon on Saturday. Some of the meetings were not actual meetings. I mean for an hour we all sat in this big room and everyone introduced themselves and their wives. C'mon that's not a meeting. Immediately following that ice-breaker the spouses all got together for about an hour and half. There were about 30 maybe 35 women and 3 men. Those were the spouses. We all talked about our favorite things. We had to bring it to give to someone. My latest craze is Victoria Secret Very Sexy Bronzer. It's incredible. Smooths your complexion, adds a summer glow, instant tan. Never (I repeat) NEVER wipes off. It's awesome. I almost didn't want to give it away. But rules are rules.
After that I was lil' miss free bird. I toured the facilities. Hot tubs, spa, heated pool, nature observatory, game rooms, HBO, chair lift, bike rentals, horseback riding, anything you could think of- this place had. It was awesome... and it was totally all paid for. I had a blast. Friday I spent unwinding. Something about breathing in all the mountain air soothes the soul, babe.
Saturday I tried to get Ken to commit to doing the chairlift to the top of the mountain with me- he was too scared so when he was in his last meeting I did it all by myself. What a sight. I spent a good hour up there hiking around. After his meeting I talked him into it and showed him some pictures and he decided he'd do it. They poor boy was petrified. He kept telling em he was scared of heights while we were walking over to the lift. He is white-knuckle-pee-his-pants scared of heights. He didn't pee but he wouldn't even move his head. We had to put the kiddie bar down and everything. It was all worth it from the top. Not only were the Tetons spectacular but there were literally thousands of lady bugs up there! Bizarre! We thought about renting bikes and riding down. That's a lot of work. We thought about ATVs. Those would be fun- but they were a lot of money. We thought about hiking. Back
Can't you tell that Ken is just loving the ride? He looks so happy. He was too scared to look at the camera.