Friday night me and my squeeze went to the Sweetheart Ball. Our ward puts it on and it was amazing. Hands down- best Sweet Hearts Ball to DATE! The gym was all done up so SO cute. It reminded me of a high school dance. The lights were turned down low... there were balloons
hanging from the ceiling... we were served dinner. And let me tell you. Dinner was HOT. For pretty much the first time ever at a ward function we were served warm food. Loved it. My sister, Julie, met me at work and did my hair and makeup and gave me a little black dress to wear. It was so fun. We were chosen to play the Newlywed game. We were the newest married and still lost. I freeze under pressure. I forget everything. Including what my favorite food is. (Hot dogs.) Ken really wanted to win and whined about it for DAYS afterwards. I don't know why- we all got chocolates just for playing! It was a good kick-off to the Valentine's Day holiday. There was music and dancing all night. Ken didn't want to dance there. So we had our own spin around the ballroom at home.
Wow. Whose that girl with the uber shiny hair!?! *wink*
(Answer: you) <--I wish I could get that upside down
That sounds SO fun! Christopher and I haven't been dancing since we were dating- how lame are we?!
Dude, I forgot my camera that night, and I was bummed. I'm excited to see the ones Megan took. You guys were so funny up there. When you realized your favoite food is hot dogs? So funny. You're lucky you were chosen to do it! Tammy Taylor gave me so much crap today about leaving during the dancing part. I told her she did NOT want to see Ben dance. :)
It was a nice evening out! I'm glad you had fun! You looked gorgeous with your hair all done up and your "little black dress"!:) Your picture turned out SO CUTE!!
Tammy Taylor? I'm looking for a Todd Taylor , wonder if this is his sister Tammy? Craig Billings
Tammy Taylor ? i'm looking for a Todd Taylor .. would this be his sister i wonder? Craig Billings
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