Monday, May 14, 2012

Some Mothering Techniques.

1.  Kole starting walking sorta funny on Wednesday when I would put his sandals on.  He'd walk on his tip toes or do a little waddle.  We were staying at Ken's parents house and I figured he was just really excited.  Thursday, same routine, he had a little red spot on his foot.  I thought it was a bug bite.  Creative walking continues through Saturday.  Ken was finally home and the three of us were heading into the grocery store.  Kole appeared to be limping.  We stopped.  I thought maybe he got something in his shoe.  Ken takes his shoe off and yeah.  There was a wood chip stuck in the bottom that was poking through the shoe into the bottom of his foot.  Causing what I thought was a bug bite and all the unusual walking.  The poor bubbas was in pain.  There was literally a thorn in his shoe.  Ken removed it and walking returned to normal.  Bad Mom Moment Counter enters the hundred thousand score.

2.  I'm at a store with my mom last week.  Kole was being... active and didn't want to sit in the seat of the cart.  So, I let him sit in the bucket part.  All went well for 10 minutes.  Then he stood up.  Still fine.  He was holding on.  Then he started walking around in there.  Whatever..  Go ahead.  As long as your quiet and smiling.  Then he started tipping his head backwards over the edge.  Um.  No.  But once proved too fun and he wouldn't stop.  Until he lost his balance and fell.  Backwards.  Out of the cart.  My mom caught him before he hit the ground because she IS a super mom.  All I could do was try to get my heart to start beating again.  All those warnings they put on carts about death and serious injury occurring... are apparently quite warranted.

3.  Saturday night we put Koley to bed and started a movie for ourselves.  Kole chit chatted in there.  Then sang a little.  Then moaned.  Called out for us.  Started crying.  Stopped crying.  Talked some more.  Made truck sounds.  It went on and on for over an hour.  Then he cried.  Hard.  Ken and I agreed not to go in.  After being on "vacation" at grandparents for a week it was time to buckle down and get back to normal.  He fell asleep.  Before we went to bed I decided to go in and check on the cubber.  I opened the door and his room stunk sooooooo bad.  He was upside down with his leg stuck out the side of his crib with the stinkiest diaper to date.  He was sound asleep... but in bad shape.  I unstuck his leg, changed his diaper, and covered him back up.  He stayed in a dreamlike haze.  And luckily he didn't remember it in the morning.  Because I deserved a serious talking to. 


Juli said...

I have so been there.

I'd give you some examples, but then I'd have DCF on my doorstep, and I'm so tired of inviting them in for coffee....

Lynn Proctor said...

i am so glad your mom caught him!!! and super mom for changing a sleeping baby's diaper:)

Kar said...

Oooh, cool that he didn't wake up when you changed and unstuck him. Gage's leg got stuck in his crib the other night - I felt so badly for him. You're doing a fine job, Patsters. This stuff happens to everyone.

Joanne said...

Ah yes the moments when a mom feels like maybe the kids would be better off with some other mom....The guilt!I wish I could tell you it gets better...I have tons of stories, I have a 14 year old girl and almost everyday I expect official papers demanding I resign my Mommy membership.UGH!
Blessings, Joanne