Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cub Down

Kole is sick- which means I have been home bound for days.  DAYS I tell you!  It makes this mom a little crazy.  I'm still not huge on leaving my house but at least I knew I had the option.  The lack of option is what is driving me to drink.  If I had any Cokes or were allowed to drink them I'd be all over that.
Kole-meister started last Thursday with a little bit of the sniffles.  Nothing I was too worried about.  I figured it'd be gone in a day.  You know when you wake up a little groggy and slightly on the stuffy side but by noon it's all cleared up and things are normal?  That's what I thought we were dealing with.  Not this beast.  Friday he woke up completely caked in green snot.  Deeee-scusting.  I know that as a mother nothing your child does is supposedly gross- this was.  I didn't mind cleaning him up- but seeing it... everywhere- Hair, hands, cheeks, ears, mouth, lips, neck- was pretty foul.  And I felt bad for the little booger butt.  I laid him down and wiped his face. He fought me the entire time.  Sorry, bud, a little back arching isn't going to get you out of it.  But then I tried to suck some of the mucous out.  Let me say that I've got one scrappy kid.  He fights with everything he's got.  He'll scratch you, gum you, throw anything that is on the changing table at you (or at least bang you with it over and over andoverandoverandover again), kick you, and scream into your ears.  I guess instead of scrappy I should say resourceful.  He's a resourceful fighter.  Yeah, that sounds more positive.  I've resorted to leaning over him with one arm and putting my hand in his mouth.  Yeah he bites it but it keeps his head still enough so I can suck all the boogs out.  And they just keep coming.  I mean his head is only the size of a cantaloupe how is it that there is a never ending supply in there?  I'm baffled!
We all know how these cold-things work.  The nose drains into the throat and you get this super phlegmmy cough and rattled breathing.  Kole although generally quite exceptional is no exception here.  His cough makes him sound like he's a WWII vet and has been downing cigs since he was 14.  A couple times he has really got hacking and then vomits.  One night he woke up around 4 and I went in there to make him feel better.  (Come one.  You have to when they're sickly.)  I was rocking him in his chair over my shoulder and cough- cough- puke! All in my hair and down my back.  I lifted him to my front to see his face and was saying "Oh, poor Kol..." YACK!  All down my front.  "Oh, poor stinky soaked-in-throw-up mommy."
And, a question for you experienced moms:  How do I make him take it easy?  I can tell he's sick.  I know he needs to spend the day sipping orange juice and watching mindless television.  But, he can't have citrus yet and we don't have TV.  He wants so badly to keep moving and shaking but it just makes him more tired, worn out, and sick.  What's the secret?
It's hard for me to see him sick.  It's hard for him to see himself sick. He doesn't like looking in the mirror since he got sick.  Oh, the vanity.  The nurses said it could last for 14 to 21 days.  Are you kidding me?  We are on day 6.  And his little red eyes and nose are so pathetic they are bordering on cute.


DoublClik said...

Aww Kole, I want to come help take care of you. You just keep giving him all that Patty love. Miss you both

Kar said...

14-21 DAYS? Are you kidding me? Dude. I'd say that, if he is still suffering after 10 days, I'd take him in and make them give you antibiotics for the kid. And that is so sad he threw up on you. That is one of my least favorite mommy things. It's up there with having to give your child a suppository. Not fun. I think it's funny that he tries to bite you with his little gums. He's cute.

Julia Marcum said...

When Greta is sick, I let her take at least 2 baths a day. She usually gets all groggy and tired after that. Rub in the Vicks and she is out for a few hours (multiple times a day) :)....also, Benedryl.

Poulsen Family said...

Max did the same cough, cough throw up a week or so a go. No fun. I came in twice to his room in the morning and found throw up all over- yuck!
What I found calmed Max down to rest was walks. Luckily it was warm enough two of the days he was sick, the other day I pushed him in the stroller around Shopko. I didn't need to shop but it was a big place to keep him warm and walk around.

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Noah had the same thing!! He still has a runny nose and occasionally coughs (its been about 10 days now). Luckily Noah can take some medicine, and thankfully the Dr prescribed him some! I am not sure about little Kole though, he is probably too young for any of that stuff. Noah's Dr did put him on an antibiotic and that seemed to help...

Good luck!! and hang in there!!

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

PS. I am sure you are already doing this but use saline when you suck his nose AND a cool mist humidifier helps too! I always hated when Noah got sick at that age because they told me to elevate him and put saline in his nose. For some reason it really irritated me that they couldn't do more!

Brett and Tiffany said...

Maybe drives in the car will help him...just to get out and it might relax him! Will they not give you some medicine for him?

~Kayla~ said...

I really like the double bath idea from Julie! I will have to try that. Ours is the in bed cuddle...but we do have a TV so that zones him out a little...

The Dillons said...

I am really sorry about your little guy. I hope he feels better!

Chris and Dani said...

Patty this post is a little old so I hope Cole is better by now. We had to suck Boogies out of Noah's nose every day for the first 5-6 months of his life. It was rough. Dr said he made more mucus than his body could handle. Luckily he couldn't move around as much then. Last week he got a stomach flu. Threw up 6 times in one day, several times on me. But the worst part was changing his runny, nasty diapers while he was kicking, screaming, and trying to run away. Worst mom experience so far.

Dani (Gigger)